
Cannabis vs. Alcohol: The Benefits of Choosing a Cali-Sober Lifestyle

Cannabis vs. Alcohol: The Benefits of Choosing a Cali-Sober Lifestyle

You may have heard of a new trend called the Cali-Sober lifestyle gaining traction like crazy. But, is it a fad, or something deeper? We think it's the public’s way of looking for something better for themselves, that gives them the same benefit of alcohol, without all the negative pitfalls. For many, that healthier and more balanced alternative to alcohol has become cannabis. Whether you're exploring this lifestyle for health reasons, or you're just tired of gnarly hangovers, the potential benefits of replacing alcohol with cannabis are becoming hard to ignore. Let’s see why as we compare the effects of cannabis and alcohol. 

Say Goodbye to Hangovers

No one has ever looked forward to a hangover or a day hunched over a toilet after a night of partying. We are always swearing off the stuff for good - until the next night out. But why does alcohol make us feel so bad?  Alcohol is technically a toxin, and when it accumulates in your bloodstream, your body has to fight to rid itself of it. This then dehydrates you, disrupts your sleep, can cause digestive issues, and generally wreaks havoc on your body as it works to detoxify your blood. The benefits of a sober lifestyle means that you don't have to live with this! But, don't count out substances altogether! Enter: Cannabis. 

With Cannabis, you can wake up to a completely different story. Most reputable studies suggest there is minimal evidence to support that there are any negative “next day” effects of cannabis when looking at cognition and physical performance. When used responsibly, cannabis doesn’t leave you with the foggy head or physical symptoms that alcohol does. That means that the night before can be fully anxiety-free. You won't have to worry about chugging water, taking Advil, slowing your drinks down, or anything else related to keeping a hangover at bay. You can relax, enjoy the moment, and wake up the next day feeling fresh and ready to go. Just listening to that converts us to the Cali-sober lifestyle, but there's, even more, to hear about why cannabis may be a better choice in the long run than alcohol on a night out. 

Sleep Like a Baby

You have probably heard it before, but we will say it again - sleep is SO important to every function of our body. So, why would we jeopardize our ability to get good sleep when drinking alcohol, when cannabis might provide you the social experience you want and a night of deep sleep?

When we drink alcohol, it severely diminishes our capacity to get deep, restful sleep, because, as aforementioned, our liver is working very hard to detoxify our bloodstream from the alcohol, diverting resources from recovery and rest to do so. This is why you may have had the experience of alcohol making you sleepy and causing you to “pass out”, but then you still wake up feeling like you were hit by a truck and got no sleep. On the other hand, certain strains of cannabis have been shown to help induce and support restful sleep by reducing anxiety-producing hormones and providing a calming effect on the body. Cannabis is even being used to help people with chronic sleep and trauma conditions get more restful sleep daily. 

So, it stands that you can enjoy cannabis products before bed with no crash back down to earth the next morning. But, alcohol? Not a chance. Not sold yet? Let’s talk even more practically. 

Increase your Inhibitions & Remember the Night! 

Wake up to that text to an ex that you don't remember sending and have a heart attack? We’ve all been there, with that sinking feeling of being told by your friends that you did something embarrassing, reckless, or crazy, and not remembering it happening. This happens because alcohol disrupts the hippocampus, which is the part of the brain responsible for transferring memories from short-term to long-term storage. When we drink too much, we have blackouts of “brown” outs, or spots in our memory that are fuzzy or nonexistent, making nights we can't remember rather than nights to remember.

Not to mention, alcohol reduces your inhibitions and ability to make good judgments, which causes us to act in ways we wouldn't normally act. Hence - texting the ex! While this can be silly or embarrassing, it can also be downright dangerous in some situations, like deciding to drive, taking an unknown substance, or hanging with the wrong crowd. With responsible cannabis use, all of this can be avoided while feeling similar euphoric, calming, and socially stimulating effects to alcohol. You can rest assured that the memories you make with your friends or family will be fondly remembered, instead of swiftly forgotten.

It's important to note that with the calming and euphoria cannabis can give you, your guard may be lower than normal, but unlike alcohol, you may feel more in control of your own actions and decision-making skills. So, it is always important to make sure you are using responsibly and safely, with people you trust. 

Is the Cali-Sober Life For You?

If anything in this blog sounds like a huge win to you, the Cali-Sober lifestyle might be for you. Sick of hangovers, headaches, forgotten nights, and feeling dead for two days after a night out drinking? Maybe switch out that cocktail for a cannabis product, and see the difference for yourself. The only sacrifice is that you won't have to deal with the pitfalls of drinking, which sounds less like a sacrifice, and more like a prize to us! As always, when trying something new, make sure you do your research on dosage and strain, start slow and low, and have people around you that you trust to take care of you. From where we are standing, the Cali-Sober craze might just be worth the hype.

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